Journal articles
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California Least Tern
Massey, B.W. 1974. Breeding biology of the California Least Tern. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.Y. 72:1-24. First publication: A synthesis of my MA thesis, a 2-year study at a colony in Huntington Beach CA.
Massey, B.W. 1976. Vocal differences between American Least Terns and the European Little Tern. Auk 93:760-773. Separating the new-world Least Tern from the old-world Little Tern.
Massey, B.W. 1977. Occurrence and nesting of the Least Tern and other endangered species in Baja California, Mexico. West. Birds 8:67-70. First venture out of CA – breeding colonies found all down the peninsula.
Massey, B.W. & J.L. Atwood. 1978. Plumages of the Least Tern. Bird-Banding 49:360-371. Descriptions of all plumages.
Massey, B.W. 1981. A Least Tern makes a right turn. Nat. Hist. 90:62-71. Brief summary of the breeding biology for the general reader. And to acquaint the public with the successful recovering of an endangered species.
Massey, B.W. & J.L. Atwood. 1981. Second-wave nesting of the California Least Tern: Age composition and reproductive success. Auk 98:596-605. Second wave consists of re-nesters and 2-year old first-time nesters who return north a month later than their older counterparts.
Massey, B.W., D.W. Bradley & J.L. Atwood. 1992. Demography of a California Least Tern colony including effects of the 1982-83 El Niño. The Condor 94:976-983. Study of changes in the Venice colony over a 7-year period.
Massey, B.W., K. Keane, and C. Boardman. 1988. Adverse effects of radio transmitters on the behavior of nesting Least Terns. Condor 90:945–947. Transmitters placed on males resulted in desertion and abnormal behavior. Strong case for not using them.
Massey, B.W. & J. Fancher. 1989. Renesting by California Least Terns. J. Field Ornith. 60:350-357. Renesting occurs if eggs or young chicks are lost early in the season.
Atwood, J.L. & B.W. Massey. 1988. Site fidelity of Least Terns in California. Condor. 90:389-394. Return to the same nesting colony a strong trait.
Massey, B.W. 1998. Species and sub-species limits in Least Terns. The Condor 100:180-182. Discussion of taxonomy of Least Terns on the west coast of Mexico.
Light-footed Clapper Rail
Massey, B.W. & R. Zembal. 1987. Vocalizations of the Light-footed Clapper Rail. J. Field Ornith. 58: 32-40. Descriptions and meaning of rail calls.
Zembal, R. & B.W. Massey. 1981. A census of the Light-footed Clapper Rail in California. West. Birds 99:87-99. First state census.
Zembal, R. & B.W. Massey. 1985. Function of a rail “mystery”call. Auk 102:179-180. Purpose of this call, long an ornithological mystery.
Zembal, R. & B.W. Massey. 1985. Distribution of the Light-footed Clapper Rail in California, 1980-1984. Amer. Birds 39(2):135-137. A 5-year summary of censusing.
Zembal, R. & B.W. Massey. 1987. Seasonality of vocalizations by Light-footed Clapper Rails. J. Field Ornith. 58: 41-48.
Belding’s Savannah Sparrow
Massey, B.W. 1977. A census of the breeding population of the Belding’s Savannah Sparrow in California. State of California. The Resources Agency, Dept. of Fish and Game. First census of the sparrow; found 1000-1600 pairs.
Massey, B.W. 1979. Belding’s Savannah Sparrow. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Monograph, Los Angeles. Brief life history of this sub-species.
Faber, P.E., Keller, E., Sands, A. and B.W. Massey. 1989. The Ecology of Riparian Habitats of the Southern California Coastal Region: A Community Profile. U.S. Dept. of Interior – Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 85(7.27).
Massey, B.W. 1990. Protecting the treasured estuaries of Baja California, Mexico. Amer. Birds 44: 1098-1102.
Massey, B.W. & M.U. Evans. 1994. An eight-year census of birds of Vallecito Creek, Anza-Borrego Desert, California. West. Birds 25:178-191.
Massey, B.W. and E. Palacios.1994. Avifauna of the wetlands of Baja California, Mexico: current status. in Studies in Avian Biology # 15:45-57. Cooper Orn. Soc.
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