Last week I watched a most astonishing event. I was on my way back from a walk in the old-growth forest above Natural Bridge on the upper Rogue River when a young man hefting a kayak passed me. I stopped cold, wondering what on earth he was planning, as the river is fenced off all along the trail and the rapids there are wildly dangerous. And soon found out. He climbed the fence, hauled the kayak over and disappeared down the steep cliffs that border the rushing river. And ‘rushing’ is a modest adjective for what the river was doing, ‘fearsome’ would be more appropriate – it was entirely white water. I hurried on to the the bridge where there was a small crowd of onlookers waiting for him to come down. He was a small green speck in the distance. I had my iPad along to photograph the vine maples in color, and decided instantly to try to photograph him, rather just watch; fearing I might see him crash. And down he came, disappearing at one point in the huge spray (2nd photo). When he reached quiet water his rooters cheered, and I nearly buckled with relief. It was an astonishing end to a serene autumn walk in a forest. Here are two photos of his exploit.