The first big event in January was the Women’s March in Ashland. We are a city of 20,000 inhabitants and the march was 8000 strong. And although it was the only one in the Rogue Valley, I knew so many people committed to going I am sure Ashlanders represented at least half the crowd. I walked with Ann and Bruce and Margie Mee, all good friends and committed liberals. Ann and I have problems with lengthy walks so our progress was slow, but we got from the library to the band shell in Lithia Park nevertheless.
How Jackie found us is remarkable and deserved a snapshot.

And most recently the 4-season clothes swap was held at Ruthe Woudenberg’s home and we had almost unusual guest, an 8-week old charmer with an Irish name new to us all and so she will be dubbed FiFi. She was handed around while her mom tried on clothes, and was amenable to being in many arms.
The clothes swap is a delightful event – we bring stuff in excellent condition that we no longer wear and try-on-and-take-home stuff that other women contribute. I have gotten so many things that are later admired when I wear them, it’s like shopping at a boutique. Ann has furnished the greater part of her wardrobe there. And we bring nibbles and chat, and help each other find things. My best finds are shoes and right now there are 3 pairs in my closet. Don’t know the donor but she sure has good taste!! There is a table of odds-and-ends too, and I found a quirky angel to grace my garden.
I was struck down by Shingles in late January and have not yet really recovered. It is a seriously nasty visitation, and I would highly recommend vaccination if your are a possible candidate. The effects were so varied I wasn’t sure whether they were symptoms or natural occurrences. They included a major itchy rash on my entire right middle, complete loss of appetite, relentless upper back ache, constipation, and lassitude so strong I was taking 2-3 naps a day and not able to walk farther than around the block. My digestive system has recovered and coffee and alcohol taste good, but there has not been much progress in the rest. Walking is very limited so not much birding either. Still, I did a lot of art work in the past 7 weeks and even managed a trip to Whidbey Island to visit Jenny and family. It was better when I was engaged than when lying around feeling sorry for myself. I worked on a mosaic piece for Hilary and did the design for our street painting along with Rachel Gibbs, the other artist in our foursome. Will post these later.