The more ancient I bcome the more my birthday becomes an EVENT. Last year it was a wonderful party devisd by Jackie Markin and Lolly and held at Jackie’s and it was a fully successful surprise. For the one just past, the day began with Jackie and I doing the first Feeder Watch of the year at the Nature Center. It was a glorious day and we had coffee and muffins while watching the birds. Can’t imagine a better way to start a day.
Lolly and Jenny both arrived in late afternoon and we went to Amuse for dinner. And what a glorious time we had. I ordered scallops, Jenny had game hen and Lolly mahi mahi and all wefe delectable. I had a glass of tempranillo, Lolly two martinis and Jenny a Manhattan and a glass of wine. The converstion was fast and witty, as we were well lubricated. And we delight in each other.
Next morning was the first rehearsal for the November concert and Lolly and I attnded. They played Wagner and Tchaikovsky and the orchestra sounded pretty amazing for a first playing andLolly was impressed. She and Keith attend the LA Phil concerts, so she has a high standard to go by. Jenny and I keep telling the family what fabulous classical music we have in this Oregon countryside, so I was glad Lolly got a sampling.
In the afternoon we had an impromptu tea prty here and a dozen friends came to chat. We had planned a big cocktail party but I cancelled it because the guest list grew too large for my house and I lost enthusiasm.
Sunday was a quiet day until mid-afternoon when I began to feel funny and then just plain weird as I tried to talk to Jenny and the words in my mouth came out all garbled and slurry. So it was off to Emergency. I spent the night in Ashland Hospital and left late next day without a diagnosis altho my bloodpressure was sky high. But it came down with an additional med . BWhen I saw my own doctor the next day she was pretty sure it was a TIA – Transient Ischemic Attack (mini-stroke). Not fun, being out-of-body like that. But happily it didn’t interfere with the birthday events. And that is how I arrived at 96.
Here are some photos. The birthday card is another unique one from Lolly. I didn’t catch it, buy my smarter friends did.Lolly and Vicki Chamberlain are superior potters, as witnessed by the vases below.