It’s been months since my last post, during which time my left hip and knee have become steadily worse, so that I cannot walk without a walker. The pain is considerable, and I am so unused to coping with any such plague that I have not been very successful so far. But this aside, my life has been full of good happenings and here are some of them.
After enduring last summer’s terrible smoke pall for weeks I decided that at least 2 weeks on the coast during the smoke season would be needed for relief, and Bruce and Ann and I got together last New Year’s Day to book a place. We chose a condo at the mouth of the Smith River in California, just north of the border, and it turned out well. We left Ashland on July 24, to return on August 9. The day we left was the first day of smoke and we felt very lucky. But happily for all Oregonians the Canyon fire was contained swiftly and there were only 5 days of smoke the entire summer. In fact it was the most glorious summer we have had in 20 years here.
Our stay was simply lovely, quiet and sunny and in addition to a week with Bruce and Ann I had two other sets of companions, Sooney and Nick for a few days and then Lolly, Keith and Sam, who came back to Ashland with me. I was not nearly as active as I would have liked but still managed to do some nice birding, sketching and beach-walking.

I was determined to get my feet in the surf and finally did when Lolly and family were there. Here I am hhaving dragged my walker over the sands of Crissy Beach. my walker thru the sand at Crissy Beach.

Lol and family had acquired a dog and he is a gem. I am no dog lover but this one could win even the hardest heart. He loved the beach. Actually he loved everything and everyone. Back in Ashland he enjoyed trips to Eric’s bench.

Actually he loved everything and everyone.
We got home early Friday so we could attend the Britt Concert featuring Augustin Hadelich playing the Tschaikovsky Violin Concerto. And a wondrous occasion that was. I had talked up this concert to all my music-loving friends and three couples came. He is perhaps the most marvelous violinist touring today and performed even beyond expectations. We also saw “Indecent” one of OSF’s best plays this year. Sam will be a Sophomore at Oberlin and it was lovely to have him around for awhile. They also have a dog so exceptionally cool that I actually enjoyed having him around!
Autumn is now with us and the rains have come and all our winter events are getting underway. Jenny is back here for the first RVAS concert next Friday. I have begun a 20 week olli course on Johann Sebastian Bach and am embarked on a series of Acupuncture sessions in hope of alleviating the joint pain. The house is newly painted and I am, in spite of my disability, able to make mosaics. Am half way thru a pair of diving Brown Pelicans for Heath.